Click here to access the Chapter Leaders’ Google Drive Membership Folder
There you will find sample emails and scripts, training and promotional documents,
and other important items related to the chapter membership committee.
All Active Members – provides an all member report including any additional chapter members (members who belong to more than one Chapter, but their Primary Chapter is different from yours) | [apps_report_button spo=SharePointChapters_ActiveMembers2] |
Current Chapter Leaderboard – displays a leaderboard of all 17 chapters showing where each chapter stands in terms of their recruitment and retention goals. The winner of the Recruit, Retain and Win challenge is the chapter who exceeds both their recruitment and retention goals by the most. | Download Report |
Chapter Summary –provides the total number of members, breakdown of professional vs supplier, Member-Get-A-Member participant number, retention and recruitment numbers and where the chapter is compared to their goal in the Recruit, Retain and Win competition. | [apps_summary_button] |
Cancelled Members – provides a list of members whose membership was dropped due to non renewal of dues and after the 60-day grace period has ended. | [apps_report_button spo=SharePointChapters_CancelledMembers2] |
In Danger of Canceling – provides a list of members who will be dropping in the current month (this is the list members up for renewal your chapter will be calling for retention calls each month). | [apps_report_button spo=SharePointChapters_DangerOfCancelling2] |
Former Chapter Members – provides a list of former members whose membership has lapsed. | [apps_report_button spo=SharePointChapters_FormerMembers2] |
New Member Report – provides a list of new members who joined the previous month (this is the list of new members your chapter should be calling for new member calls each month). | [apps_report_button spo=SharePointChapters_NewMembers2] |
Chapter Prospects – provides a list of customers who have never been a member of PCMA, but have come in through request for information, subscribed to our newsletter, attended a chapter event, attended a PCMA event or webinar, etc. | [apps_report_button spo=SharePointChapters_Prospects2] |
Convening Leader Attendees – provides a list of registered attendees for the upcoming Convening Leader conference in January (list is available from September – January of each year and is provided in real-time access). | [apps_report_button spo=SharePointChapters_CLAttendees2] |